2007 Highlights

December 31, 2007 0

Bennetts Lane, Melbourne VIC December 3, 2007 Magesh and David Jones East meets West; Younger meets slightly Older; Drums triggered through electronics and Indian Tabla meet totally acoustically with Tibetan and Japanese healing bowls! This […]

Melbourne Prize 2007

December 1, 2007 0

David congratulates Paul Grabowsky, winner The Melbourne Prize Media Release: The 2007 Melbourne Prize for Music The $60,000 Melbourne Prize for Music 2007 will be awarded to a Victorian professional musician, or group of musicians, […]

James Morrison

September 20, 2007 0

Camberwell Town Hall, 20th September 2007 James Morrison (trumpet, trombone, piano), Emma Pask (vocals), David Jones (drums), Stephen Magnusson (guitar), Geoff Kluke (double bass), Tim Wilson (saxaphone), Melbourne (read more )

James Morrison and Deni Hines

September 11, 2007 0

Bennetts Lane, 11th September 2007 James Morrison, Deni Hines and band at Bennetts Lane, Melbourne (read more)    

Hour of Nectar

September 7, 2007 0

7th September 2007 The Hour of Nectar CD launch at the Boite. David Jones & Carmen Warrington, Melbourne